Full Professor of Genetics at the University of Oviedo (Spain) and Adjunct Professor at the University of Massachusetts (USA). Research interests: Conservation genetics and evolutionary biology. 161 peer-reviewed articles indexed in SCI databases. Coordinator of one EU and five other international projects (NATO, Fulbright, AECID), and partner of eight EU projects. Responsible of 23 Erasmus Agreements between the University of Oviedo and other Universities, and two Bilateral Agreements with partners from third countries (Brazil, Argentina). Reviewer for more than 30 SCI scientific journals; President of the National Committee of Evaluation of Research Activity (Spain). Field: Molecular and Cell Biology. 2010, and regular member 2007-2009. Evaluator of research for the Agency for Evaluation of Research and Quality ANEP/ANECA (Spain), Marie Curie Post-Doctoral Grants (EU Commission, contracted in 2001), CSIC (Spain), INRA (France), Austrian Science Foundation, CUNY (USA).