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eCOAST is an internationally-operating environmental service company performing independent marine and maritime research. eCOAST has offices in Belgium and The Netherlands, and our headquarters is located in the port of Ostend, a city with a longstanding history of fisheries and aquaculture, and which is home to diverse blue energy enterprises, the European Marine Board, and the Flemish research community.

eCOAST is your trusted partner for your marine and maritime projects, and has a proven track record working with governments, public institutions, universities, SMEs, engineering firms, and multinational corporations. We constantly strive to reduce our distance to you. Our associates are always available for a consultation to discuss your needs and options, and can start coordinating projects on short notice.

Our services include writing, coordinating, and/or contributing to innovation projects (e.g., Horizon 2020, FP7, EFF), ecological and environmental monitoring studies, and Environmental Impact Assessments, providing legal research and support, consulting, and independent auditing/reviewing of diverse document types.
Professional Practice
Thesis research